
The personal information of any Donor is provided to the Singapore Accident Help Centre (SAHC) only to the extent and degree as decided by the Donor when making their donation. Any donation made without the provision of personal information will be deemed to be an anonymous donation. However, do note that an anonymous donation may prevent you from being able to obtain a tax receipt for your donation.

Any personal information provided by the Donor will be stored securely in the SAHC servers and system. Unless an express request otherwise has been made, this personal information may be used by staff, employees or agents of SAHC in the future for the purpose of contacting the Donor but will not be disclosed or provided to individuals or parties outside of SAHC under normal circumstances.


Associate Members will, during the registration process, be requested to provide sufficient information for the SAHC to contact them to follow up on any case, enquiry or request for advice that the SAHC may have received from such Associate Members. The SAHC will also use the contact information to disseminate important announcements and information, such as, but not limited to, major changes in Singaporean legislation with significant effects and ramifications on the rights of Members or the SAHC.

Any personal information provided by the Associate Member will be stored securely in the SAHC servers and system. As discussed above, this personal information may be used by staff, employees or agents of SAHC in the future for the purpose of contacting the Donor, but will not be disclosed or provided to individuals or parties outside of SAHC under normal circumstances.

Exceptions to the above may arise where third-party services linked to SAHC, such as our providers of physiotherapy or medical services request for the personal information of members, such as contact numbers or email addresses, in order to arrange appointments.


By the nature of the SAHC’s work, the SAHC will collect detailed personal information and case information of clients. This may go as far as to include medical information and salary details, depending on the nature of the client’s case. The above being said, the SAHC will not collect, store, use or disclose such information without the express and informed consent of the client. The consent will usually be obtained in writing for avoidance of doubt, but where the consent in writing is not feasible to obtain, consent obtained orally may be used as well.

For the purposes of sharing experiences, research or public communication, the SAHC may from time to time enter into discussions with clients to request for permission to use and disclose their personal information. As stated, express and informed consent will be obtained from the client in these scenarios, such that they are fully aware of the purpose for which the information is being disclosed and the nature of the information being disclosed. When such information is disclosed, express care is taken to ensure that any information communicated is wholly for the stated purpose, even if broader consent has been obtained from the client.

Cookies and Website Data

Occasionally, we may use cookies to improve content and provide easier access. This technology lets us review which parts of the site are popular and which are not, allowing us to offer future improvements to the site; however, cookies that we generate contain no identifiable information about our users or our user’s computers.

Content Hosted on other Sites

The SAHC may from time to time post content to other platforms and third-party websites, links to which may be made available on our site. The SAHC is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

Contact Us

If you have any questions at all about our privacy policy, please email us: contactus@sahc.org.my

Privacy Policy Updates

Last updated on 9th February 2023

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